Explore Projects

Capital Navigation in the SouthREDUCED INEQUALITIES + 2 Others

Capital Navigation in the South

Launching Capital Navigator under SoCap to help women entrepreneurs access capital, gain financial knowledge & connect with resources.

Arkansas, USA

ConnectUP! Circle (C2)  - A Digital CommunityPARTNERSHIP FOR THE GOALS + 3 Others

ConnectUP! Circle (C2) - A Digital Community

Expand our winning content/programs nationally! C2 is a culturally grounded digital community for Black/Brown startups & emerging businesses providing courses, toolkits, technical assistance to power founders confidently MANAGE their businesses, wealth, and health.

St. Paul, MN, USA

Ready, Set, Go: Salesforce Workflows capacityDECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH + 3 Others

Ready, Set, Go: Salesforce Workflows capacity

Increase our capacity by automating manual operations of managing our accelerators, events, and bootcamps.

St. Paul, MN, USA


Back Office Support Pilot

Seeking to pilot a sliding scale business development solution that will help early stage, BIPOC- and immigrant-owned cooperatives reach profitability more quickly.

Denver, CO, USA

Closing Wealth Gaps Through Small Biz AcquisitionDECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH + 2 Others

Closing Wealth Gaps Through Small Biz Acquisition

We help underrepresented entrepreneurs build wealth through business ownership. bETA has 193 grads and we are scaling across the country!

Atlanta, GA, USA

B:Side Small Business Growth GrantDECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH + 3 Others

B:Side Small Business Growth Grant

Unrestricted, low-barrier funding to BIPOC-led businesses, empowering low-income and low-wealth communities to advance equity.

Colorado, USA


Invest York Road

Invest York Road creates community-owned commercial real estate in Baltimore City, building community wealth and thriving local economies, while providing accessible investment opportunities.

Baltimore, MD, USA

The EASE Collective - Cooperative Data SovereigntyZERO HUNGER + 8 Others

The EASE Collective - Cooperative Data Sovereignty

Ecosystem Awareness Solutions for Equity (EASE) - "Real Voices. Real Data. Real Change."

Equity Capital for BIPOC Entrepreneurs in CPGZERO HUNGER + 9 Others

Equity Capital for BIPOC Entrepreneurs in CPG

Propeller Impact Fund II offers technical assistance to BIPOC entrepreneurs seeking equity financing for their CPG ventures.

City of New Orleans, LA, USA

Youth Equity InfusionDECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH + 1 Others

Youth Equity Infusion

Akiptan is looking to infuse equity to all of our youth borrowers by direct payments to their loan balances.

United States


Higher Purpose Hub

Higher Purpose Hub improves intergenerational economic opportunity in the MS Delta utilizing education, storytelling, and grantmaking.

Clarksdale, MS, USA

CoIO: AI-Powered Collective Intelligence/Inclusive DecisionsQUALITY EDUCATION + 4 Others

CoIO: AI-Powered Collective Intelligence/Inclusive Decisions

CoIO transforms organizational collaboration by using AI to ensure every voice is heard, breaking down power dynamics and language barriers while synthesizing diverse inputs into clear, actionable decisions—all within an accessible, asynchronous platform.

Boston, MA, USA

Backyard Bankers Initiative NO POVERTY + 2 Others

Backyard Bankers Initiative

Seeking grants of $15,000 to replicate Backyard Bankers Initiative in new immgrant communities. Groups are saving $50,000 per week

Massachusetts, USA

Learning Modules for Equitable Acquisitions in ManufacturingDECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH + 3 Others

Learning Modules for Equitable Acquisitions in Manufacturing

This project will create learning modules to help business owners and community lenders plan for and support ownership succession planning for small- and medium-sized manufacturing companies. These tools will preserve jobs and expand ownership opportunities for communities.

The Mulberry BaltimoreGOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING + 5 Others

The Mulberry Baltimore

A real estate-based community wealth building ecosystem

Baltimore, MD, USA

Anti-Eviction & Self-Determination in Ziwani, Nairobi DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH + 3 Others

Anti-Eviction & Self-Determination in Ziwani, Nairobi

The Single Mothers Association of Kenya (SMAK) is fighting urban renewal by building energy sovereignty and food sovereignty, and organizing a community land trust to curb rampant real estate speculation and achieve permanent tenant security.

Ziwani, Nairobi, NA, Kenya

Rainbow Planner / Radical SpreadsheetsPEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS + 4 Others

Rainbow Planner / Radical Spreadsheets

open-source tools that disembed capital bias from the financial planning process - towards navigate financial lives in alignment with values

Values questionnaire and compliance toolundefined

Values questionnaire and compliance tool

Building on this report by PAM, we will produce a cross-industry values questionnaire and compliance tool that ensures advisors understand and implement their clients’ values. The creation of this tool will ensure advisors do not make assumptions that normalise extractive practices. 

Transforming Transition Financeundefined

Transforming Transition Finance

We'll help make a post-growth future possible by working with emerging actors to shift investment to the root cause of our dysfunctional system and shift the redistribution of wealth upstream to the point of value creation within a business, to avoid exploitative wealth generation.

The Maturity Scan for Family Officesundefined

The Maturity Scan for Family Offices

The Maturity Scan for Family Offices offers a personalized benchmark, helping families compare their impact investment journey. It clarifies needs and provides practical steps for swift progress, accelerating impact for family offices and wealth owners while ensuring privacy and efficiency. 

The Board Exchangeundefined

The Board Exchange

By establishing The Board Exchange as an essential, in-demand initiative and offering a structured program with thought-provoking learning and actionable toolkits, we can inspire finance professionals to rethink their roles and drive meaningful change in the ecosystem surrounding the WDI.

The Bad Bank Boycottundefined

The Bad Bank Boycott

Accountants and bookkeepers know (or can easily find out) which organisations all our clients bank with. If we help them learn what their banks get up to with our money, our clients will become motivated to switch away from banks invested in fossil fuels, and other harmful activities.

Reinsuring mutual aid circlesundefined

Reinsuring mutual aid circles

Reinsurance is the pinnacle of wealth defense, allowing large insurers and hedge funds to manage risk. Our hack makes these tools available to small mutual aid groups in disaster-prone communities, giving formal resources to an informal response + democratizing access to sophisticated instruments.

Rainbow Planner: Reparative and Justice Values-Aligned Radical Financial Planning Toolkitundefined

Rainbow Planner: Reparative and Justice Values-Aligned Radical Financial Planning Toolkit

We are developing a suite of open-source tools that disembed capital bias from the financial planning process. This toolkit offers alternatives for people who want to navigate their financial lives in alignment with their own values, not those predetermined by the current financial status quo.

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