Explore Opportunities
Boundless Futures Foundation
Grants to women owned for-profit and nonprofit businesses
The Catalyst Fund
Grants between $2,500–$15,000 for anyone, anywhere in the world who has an early-stage idea that addresses pressing global challenges. Applications open year-round.
🇪🇺 Women TechEU
Women TechEU is a two-year EU-funded project funding and supporting women leading deep tech startup companies from Europe.
iF Social Impact Prize
The iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE supports projects that contribute to improving our society. If you work towards achieving one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, your project is eligible.
UTS Social Impact Grants
The UTS Social Impact Grants – Community-engaged research and practice support researchers and practitioners within our community to maximise their contribution to positive social change through projects aligned with strategic areas of impact.
The Africa Food Prize
The Africa Food Prize is the pre-eminent award for recognizing the extraordinary individual or institution whose contributions to African agriculture are forging a new era of sustainable food security and economic opportunity for all Africans.
African Women's Development Fund (AWDF)
The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) is happy to invite applications for grants from eligible feminist and women’s rights organisations (WROs) led by historically marginalised and minoritised groups in Africa.
Interreg NEXT MED
A budget of €103 million is available for project funding to make the Mediterranean a smarter, greener, more inclusive, and better-governed region.
New Profit - Build
$1.5M of unrestricted funding and strategic advisory support over four years to up to five innovative nonprofit organisations in Democracy and Economic Mobility.
develoPPP Classic
The develoPPP Classic funding instrument of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is aimed at already established companies that want to invest sustainably in a developing or emerging country and expand their business activities locally.
Crypto for Good Fund III
Funding impactful real world web3 use cases to drive global financial inclusion and climate resilience across emerging markets.
OCEAN Grants Programme
OCEAN seeks diverse proposals for projects that prioritise embedding local communities at the centre of their decision making.
InsuResilience Solutions Fund
Apply for support for your climate risk insurance product
Textiles Innovation Challenge
This challenge is inviting for-profit companies to share futuristic ideas focused on supply chain transparency, innovative materials, and textile recycling, among others.
International Collaboration Grants 2024
£1 million grants programme that supports the creation of new cultural collaborations between UK artists, arts professionals / organisations and their peers around the world. Available grants range between £25,000 and £75,000 and are now open for application.