Ready, Set, Go: Salesforce Workflows capacity

Published by


Elaine Rasmussen

Project start date: 5/1/2025

Ready, Set, Go: Salesforce Workflows capacity

St. Paul, MN, USA

Increase our capacity by automating manual operations of managing our accelerators, events, and bootcamps.

Systems Change

1 - 6 months


Last update: October 05, 2023


Our current program management relies heavily on manual processes managed by human effort. This includes application intake and processing, interview scheduling and management, scoring and review of candidates, matriculation contract preparation, faculty review and selection, and ongoing impact management. While we utilize a variety of digital tools to support these processes, they are not seamlessly integrated, which creates inefficiencies. None of these tools directly interface with your Salesforce CRM, further complicating workflows. As a result, we frequently need to download data from one platform, reformat it, and then upload it to another platform, which is time-consuming and prone to errors. This lack of integration not only slows down our operations but also increases the risk of data inconsistencies across systems. This is time that could be better spent with your founders of color getting them the resources, connections, capital, and coaching they need to power their success.


We are looking to hire a small but highly skilled team to help bring our vision to life. This team will consist of a project manager, a Salesforce integration specialist, and a network administrator. Their primary role will be to take the comprehensive technical specifications we've already carefully developed—based on both our current needs and our anticipated future goals—and turn them into actionable solutions.

We are seeking expert assistance to streamline and automate as many of our processes as possible. By doing so, we aim to free up our team’s time and energy, allowing us to focus more on building meaningful human connections with our Black and Brown emerging business owners. These connections are at the heart of our mission to deliver a best-in-class, culturally enriched programming experience and curriculum. Our ultimate goal is to empower and support wealth-building businesses that make a lasting impact. This project will directly contribute to creating a more seamless, efficient workflow, enabling us to scale our efforts and make a greater difference. We will also have more time to develop more culturally responsive programming, research and innovations for which we have loads of ideas, but very little time to pursue. This will also lay the groundwork for our vision to move to a regional reach and eventually going national.




.NET Development


Here are a list of prospective outcomes:

Reduction in the amount of time spent on processing applications

Increase in # of resources, connections, and capital provided annually.

Increase in the satisfaction rates of program participants

Increase in the # of participants

Increase in revenue for programs

Improvement in overall program efficiency

Outcomes achieved by our participants.

Our goal is to provide resources, connections, and capital to support individuals and organizations in bringing their ideas to life. We believe that by doing so, we not only contribute to the development of groundbreaking solutions, but also create a positive impact on society as a whole.