Impact investment for all of us
Everyday people acting in collaboration and solidarity to lend their support to courageous impact enterprises worldwide, helping to unlock their positive potential and benefit communities.
1 - 6 months
Last update: October 05, 2023
The current mix of financial systems, regulations and capital-first approaches exclude every day people from participating in impact investment, especially at a global level. One consequence of this is that for growing impact enterprises to get the capital they need, they need to take it from institutions which make money for the wealthy. Rather than seeking to 'change' the current paradigm, we are using a 'parallel institutions' approach to build something new, attractive and powerful that embodies different underpinning values and shifts capital from the current to the new.
The problem we are addressing - the missing middle in impact finance - is huge (at least US$4T per annum) and so far has been resistant to investor-return focused solutions. There is ample space and opportunity for all of us to act together to bridge this missing middle and invest in courageous impact enterprises doing the hard work in their communities.
LendForGood is ready to go today for 100s and 1000s of every day people and organisations who care about impact to participate in solidarity with each other and courageous impact enterprises to help create more positive impact in communities around the world. This includes individuals and organisations in the UK.
Together we can unlock the impact potential of 100s of enterprises working to deliver the UN Sustainable Development Goals, while also generating community wealth amongst the lender community - and generating our own flywheel of reinvestment and value creation.
We also welcome more syndicate leads that bring portfolios of courageous impact enterprises from their focus geography and/or impact area.
More impact enterprises would get the impact capital they need to achieve their objectives
Lenders would get their money back + the interest rate returns offered + feel a sense of solidarity and hope in being able to contribute to making a better world
Syndicate leads see their portfolio enterprises succeed and do more work to support more amazing impact enterprises
LendForGood generates revenues that support its roadmap towards mobilising US$1B of impact lending per year