Connecting Offline Learners to the World's Knowledge

United States

RACHEL (Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education & Learning) is a low-cost, plug-and-play digital library for the 52% of the world's population without internet.


5+ years


Last update: October 05, 2023


Open Educational Resources (OERs) have revolutionized the way we learn by making a wealth of learning opportunities freely available to anyone with an internet connection. However, 52% of the world's population lack access to the internet and cannot use these resources. As a result, the knowledge gap is widening.


RACHEL is a portable, plug-and-play server that can connect a whole classroom of computers to a world of educational content with a single click. It stores copies of educational websites such as Wikipedia, Khan Academy, PhET physics simulations, and much more, and makes that content available over a local wireless connection. Any device with a web browser can connect to RACHEL including computers, tablets, and smartphones. RACHEL is rugged, lightweight, and designed to travel anywhere.





RACHEL is used by an estimated 500,000 offline learners in 41 countries, with a sustainable chapter program in five developing countries and steady increased user growth of 30% per year, mainly through word of mouth. Students using RACHEL are learning more, reading more, demonstrating greater enthusiasm for learning, staying in school longer, and graduating at higher rates. They are studying literacy, math, and science, and also using the information found on RACHEL to start businesses, increase their agricultural skills, improve health, and more.