Ereddo LLP
Pretoria South Africa
About Ereddo LLP
Ereddo LLP was registered in 2024 to serve as an SPV within the broader adaptive practice community (Strategic Doing Institute). We are 3 partners, Ed Morrison | LinkedIn (Strategic Doing); Doug Smith | LinkedIn (Performance Driven Change); Erich Bam | LinkedIn (Adaptive Finance). It serves as a legal focal point for: - Focus 1 - Adaptive Practice and SDG’s A specific focus on adaptive practice and its application with SDG challenges. Earlier this year we sought to answer, why do we consistently underperform, or not deliver at all, on solutions to the crucial and existential challenges we face today? How do we approach complex challenges we don’t know how to solve? We documented our findings in “The How of Doing the What of Water: Moving from Ideas to Implementation” Project web site and download - Project Adapt We further elaborate how we would approach a practical deployment of material funds to solve SDGs with adaptive practice in our submission to the MacArthur Foundation 100&Change challenge (100&Change - MacArthur Foundation (macfound.org)). A different format responding to a philanthropic funder's questions. A 15-minute read, download at Project Adapt - 100&Change - Focus 2 - Build out our capital deployment model Build out/adapt our proven systems capital deployment model as a general systems funding approach. The model has been applied to fund “loose networks” of challenge teams over 3 decades in many diverse challenges. Our view is that “loose networks” are akin to “systems”, and as such the funding model can be applied as a systems funding approach. One example: “We were one of 13 recipients of a $15 million award (8% of total $195m), funded by the US federal government, we organized our work as a “managed network”. The outcomes were stunning. When results of high-level metrics across the 13 recipients were tabulated, our 8% of the funding generated 40% of the national results. We demonstrated that a managed network could lead to remarkable improvements in (social) innovation and productivity. Many of the innovations launched more than a decade ago are thriving.” Example graphic can be found here: Adaptive Fund Deployment - A legal fundraising vehicle for: a. Expanding and grow awareness of adaptive practice internationally through Design/Do Hubs. b. Funding multitudes of cohorts of challenge teams to actually work on their challenges. The 100&Change submission referenced above deals extensively with how a $100m would be applied over a 5-year period. We envisage to build this out to an annual fundraise, backed by a prospectus or offering memorandum disclosure level document, that foundations, family offices and other wealth holders can subscribe to. Similar to a formal IPO process - information sessions, roadshows, book building, firm closing date for subscriptions et al. (Yes, unheard of in the world of philanthropy, yet it is a system that works like a well-oiled machine. Change the values, change the outcomes. If we do not interrogate the possibility, we will never know.) Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are inherent in adaptive practice. Participating organizations and purpose networks must identify and define/achieve success at challenges that spell out their near-to-medium term best future. As a factual – indeed, unavoidably true – matter, SDG arenas such as water cannot have any best future in the absence of diversity, equity and inclusion. Adaptive practice incorporates these imperatives from both an external and internal perspective. Most enterprise efforts at DEI are internally focused – and fail to connect DEI as practices required for external impact – for making a difference to the customers and beneficiaries of the efforts at hand. Sadly, this pattern includes “performative” promises and commitments that are entirely activity-based and, because disconnected from actual results, fall by the wayside all too quickly. Diversity is a descriptor of populations – populations who are the actual people providing resources, doing work and solving problems and benefitting from solutions and approaches that work. Equity has an outcome orientation. It describes a key characteristic of fair, equitable and sustainable impacts and results. Inclusion is a process point –it’s about who participates in problem solving, governance and community building. The uses of DEI all depend on the particular challenges at hand. Adaptive practice only succeeds when diverse populations both inclusively participate and benefit from together successfully pursuing specific equitable outcomes.