Ecosystem2 (e2)
Liverpool United Kingdom
About Ecosystem2 (e2)
Ecosystem2 is a studio that supports social-ecological restoration efforts to gather and present geospatial data. It is several years of practice, research and networking undertaken since 2021 that myself and my co-founder wish to feed into this proposal. Through our 2 co-founders we are an ethnic minority and white working class led, mission driven startup. We have a mission and asset lock, meaning that we will reinvest a minimum of 51% of any future profits into our mission as stated: “To support social-ecological restoration efforts to improve the carrying capacity of the Earth by designing and distributing the best possible quality and quantity of service to record, to interact with and to present planetary data.” Our style of incorporation was chosen so we could seek future purpose-driven equity investment and eventually operate outside of the traditional spheres of private, academic and public sources of funding. We have attached a set of slides that provides an overview of our work. Our current work focuses on developing a full stack application that is currently at TRL5, this can take multiple sources of landscape data and represent this in a digital twin of the Earth. We have written custom code to integrate sensor and media data into the application, which is based on Cesium.js. We have integrated all of these sources of data into an interoperable schema. We are interested in how emerging landscape finance models can support regenerative and remediative work to address the climate crisis. Our target audience is grassroots citizens, NGOs, smallholders and conservation organisations.