Textiles Innovation Challenge

This challenge is inviting for-profit companies to share futuristic ideas focused on supply chain transparency, innovative materials, and textile recycling, among others.


4/1/2024, 2:59:00 AM


The Ministry of Textiles in partnership with Startup India, Invest India and Atal Innovation Mission is launching the Textiles Innovation Challenge with the following objectives:

1. Enable the generation of innovative and futuristic ideas

2. Catalyse innovation by identifying problem areas preventing the adoption of unique products / services

3. Learn from industry experts and collaborate with them

Application Process

This Opportunity was sourced from the internet by the Innovation Exchange research team, and is being included for informational purposes only.

For full details, including how to apply, please visit the official Opportunity website here: https://www.startupindia.gov.in/content/sih/en/ams-application/challenge.html?applicationId=65da0ef2e4b06352cbeffed3

Please do not attempt to submit your projects from this page.

Frequently asked questions