OCEAN Grants Programme

OCEAN seeks diverse proposals for projects that prioritise embedding local communities at the centre of their decision making.


4/2/2024, 8:59:00 AM


Ocean Community Empowerment and Nature (OCEAN)

OCEAN is a new competitive grants scheme that will support innovative proposals from local coastal communities and organisations that aim to deliver marine protection and reduce poverty worldwide. It is part of the UK Government's Blue Planet Fund - a £500 million programme supporting developing countries to protect the marine environment and reduce poverty - and aims to support the people and communities most impacted by declining ocean health and climate change through funding local solutions to local problems. OCEAN's overall goal is to place the ocean on a path to recovery, and for local communities and nature to thrive side by side.

Application Process

This Opportunity was sourced from the internet by the Innovation Exchange research team, and is being included for informational purposes only.

For full details, including how to apply, please visit the official Opportunity website here: https://www.gcbc.org.uk/gcbc-research-grant-competition-2-rgc2-is-now-officially-open-for-applications/

Please do not attempt to submit your projects from this page.

Frequently asked questions